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Stay ahead of threats with our live industry events. The importance of adapting to the pace of change of modern cloud and hybrid environments

Date : Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Time : 10:00 AM (Paris)

Splunk + C3M + ACENSI: Make your cloud adoption secure and compliant

Acensi, our partner for the French speaking market will be hosting a webinar C3M + Splunk – Your journey to Cloud Security.

This event will be hosted in French Language

Date : Thursday, November 26, 2020
Time : 11:00 AM (UAE)

SCOPE Hosts C3M Cloud Control + Splunk = Securing your Cloud Journey

Security has undergone a radical change as enterprises continue to adopt the cloud rapidly. Security and development have to go hand in hand.

Date : Thursday, December 03, 2020
Time : 9:00 AM (Colorado) | 11:00 AM (Atlanta & New York)

C3M Cloud Control – CSPM + CIEM Securing your cloud journey

It is challenging for security, risk, and compliance professionals to protect their organizations from the risks of data breaches, thanks to the dynamic nature of the cloud…